Hey everyone,
my app has a apple watch companion app which all works great.
I have noticed that the app icon in the watchface on the Apple Wach Ultra is too small. On the regular apple watches it fits perfectly. (See Screenshot)
The .appiconset contains all icons it has to contain and all icons have the correct size as requested by xcode.
Any ideas?
Which asset is used for the watchface icon on the ultra?
so I have been developing apps for a lot of years now. Until now, correct me if Im wrong, you had to go through a submission process to be able to test your apps outside of a simulation environment. So you had to apply for the rights to use carplay on actual hardware. Did that once and never received feddback by apple(?)
I work at a german carmaker in development of ADAS and I have some cool ideas but would like to try this out first on my/our internal car(s) via my device/phone.
For now Im not talking appstore or any other distribution.
Is this now possible?