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Hi. I'm using Xcode Version 13.3 (13E113). I have a project that builds a MacOS app successfully in the GUI and from the command line using xcodebuild. It builds a universal binary that targets x86_64 and Apple Silicon. When I try to build in Xcode Cloud I get four errors which all appear to be identical and which are: Run command: 'set -o pipefail && source /Volumes/Task/ci_build.env && source /Volumes/Task/ci_plan.env && xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /tmp/e8493b09-68f3-4226-8f89-5c00de477670.xcarchive -exportPath /Volumes/workspace/appstoreexport -exportOptionsPlist /Volumes/workspace/ci/app-store-exportoptions.plist '-DVTPortalRequest.Endpoint=' -DVTProvisioningIsManaged=YES -IDEDistributionLogDirectory=/Volumes/Task/logs/app-store-export-archive-logs -DVTSkipCertificateValidityCheck=YES -DVTServicesLogLevel=3 2>&1 | tee /Volumes/Task/logs/app-store-export-archive-logs/xcodebuild-export-archive.log' Run command: 'set -o pipefail && source /Volumes/Task/ci_build.env && source /Volumes/Task/ci_plan.env && xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /tmp/e8493b09-68f3-4226-8f89-5c00de477670.xcarchive -exportPath /Volumes/workspace/appstoreexport -exportOptionsPlist /Volumes/workspace/ci/app-store-exportoptions.plist '-DVTPortalRequest.Endpoint=' -DVTProvisioningIsManaged=YES -IDEDistributionLogDirectory=/Volumes/Task/logs/app-store-export-archive-logs -DVTSkipCertificateValidityCheck=YES -DVTServicesLogLevel=3 2>&1 | tee /Volumes/Task/logs/app-store-export-archive-logs/xcodebuild-export-archive.log' I am unclear as to what this command is trying to do or why its running four times. It reports Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 70. These commands appear in the build log under an item that says, Export archive for app-store distribution. Note that I don't intend to distribute the app via the App Store right now. In this case, I just want to use Xcode Cloud to run CI jobs for my app when code is checked in and make the builds available to me and other people at my company.
by brant.
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I pushed a branch a little while ago and Xcode cloud did not seem to recognize there was a new branch. I verified that the branch shows up in Github. I also verified that Xcode thinks it is a local only branch. When I edit the workflow, the name of this branch does not appear, but other branches do appear. It seems like somehow Xcode cloud did not get the correct hook called for it to know that something has changed such that it needs to go look for the new branch on Github. I tried doing a commit --amend and force pushing to try to trigger another build. I tried creating a pull request in github which Xcode Cloud doesn't appear to see whether invoked from the client or through App Store Connect. Another thing to note is that I updated the version number on this set of changes from 1.0 to 1.0.1. Could that cause it to fail?
by brant.
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This is related to a Mac App. I would like to be able to make my build in Xcode Cloud available to my users in TestFlight. I would expect to be able to click the build in Xcode Cloud and see some kind of "Publish to TestFlight" action. Does this exist? Am I missing it? If not, how is this supposed to work?
by brant.
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Hi. I am writing a GUI app that runs a command line program within its bundle. The program that I am running has @rpath set to @executable/../Frameworks. If I use the terminal and try to run the executable from within Contents/MacOS/, it works fine because the .dylibs it uses are in Contents/Frameworks. The libraries can be reached because they are set to @executable_path/../Frameworks/ using install_name_tool. They are codesigned on copy into Contents/Frameworks in the bundle. Finally I have a script that uses install_name_tool to add-rpath to the executable. However, when I attempt to launch via NSTask, I get the following sent to stderr:  Referenced from: /Users/brant/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mh-llrtpd-hjvpryktibfhdaezfcvushvxgovd/Build/Products/Debug/  Reason: tried: '/Users/brant/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mh-llrtpd-hjvpryktibfhdaezfcvushvxgovd/Build/Products/Debug/libjson-c.5.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libjson-c.5.dylib' (no such file), '@executable/../Frameworks/libjson-c.5.dylib' (no such file), '@executable/../Frameworks/libjson-c.5.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libjson-c.5.dylib' (file system sandbox blocked open()), '/usr/lib/libjson-c.5.dylib' (no such file) What is different about launching with NSTask that I need to change so that the dynamic linker will work?
by brant.
Last updated