




Swift data issue in queries in iOS 18, no pb in iOS 17
Dear community !!! I'm brand new in SwiftUI development. I created an app, I was almost at the end with fine tuning when I got weird behaviours with the iOS 18 version when using Swift Data. I think I'm part of the problem but I can not figure out how to solve it. I've searched, spent so many hours and feel a bit disappointed not succeeding. Here is my first problem : I've two models : @Model class Song: Codable { var uuid: UUID = UUID() var text: String = "" var creationDate: Date = var updatingDate: Date = var status: Int = 0 var nbRead: Int = 0 var speed: Float = 0.5 var language: String = "" enum CodingKeys: CodingKey { case uuid, text, creationDate, updatingDate, status, nbRead, speed, language } @Relationship(inverse: \Genre.songs) var genres: [Genre]? ... } and @Model class Genre { //var uuid: UUID var name: String = "" var color: String = "Red" var songs: [Song]? init( name: String, color: String) { //self.uuid = uuid = name self.color = color } } I want to list all songs organised by sections : import SwiftData import SwiftUI struct SongsListView: View { private var searchingText: String @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext @Query(sort: \ private var genres: [Genre] @Query var songs : [Song] init(searchText: String) { if !searchText.isEmpty { let predicate = #Predicate<Song> { song in song.text.localizedStandardContains(searchText) } _songs = Query(filter: predicate) } searchingText = searchText } var body: some View { HStack{ List{ if !songs.isEmpty { ForEach(genres, id: \.name){ genre in Section(header: Text({ ForEach (songs){song in if let songGenres = song.genres { if songGenres.contains(genre){ NavigationLink { SongView(song: song) } label: { Text(song.text) } } } } } } .onDelete { indexSet in indexSet.forEach { index in let song = songs[index] modelContext.delete(song) } } Section(header: Text("Without Genre")) { ForEach (songs){song in if let songGenres = song.genres { if songGenres.isEmpty{ NavigationLink { SongView(song: song) } label: { Text(song.text) } } } } .onDelete { indexSet in indexSet.forEach { index in let song = songs[index] modelContext.delete(song) } } } } } .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) } } } On iOS 17, creating a new song adds it directly to the list in the Without Genre section. On iOS 18, it takes around 30 seconds to be added. I did a video, and I have a demo project to illustrate if necessary. Thanks a lot for any hint, advice !
Oct ’24
List or a ForEach from a binding: keyboard issue
Hello developers ! I've created a List or a ForEach from a binding where there are TextFields or TextEditors inside. When I go to fill in the text, the keyboard dismisses after one char is typed in ! My need is to be able to add textfields as much as required. Please have a look to this code import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var messages = ["Hello 1","Hello 2","Hello 3"] var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { List($messages, id: \.self) { $msg in TextEditor(text: $msg) } ForEach($messages, id: \.self) { $msg in VStack{ TextEditor(text: $msg) } .contextMenu{ Button(role: .destructive, action: { messages = messages.filter {$0 != msg} }, label:{ Text("Delete entry") }) } } Button(action: { messages.append("-") } , label: { Text("Add a row") }) } .background(.black) .padding() } } #Preview { ContentView() } I'm using iOS 17.4 and Xcode 15.3 Thanks !
Apr ’24