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I'm using the new SwiftUI Inspector API. Is it possible to disable the ability to collapse the inspector (when dragging the mouse cursor on the ionspector splitter)? Also, as a workaround, when the inspector is collapsed, I didn't find how I could expand the inspector programmatically? import SwiftUI struct SampleContentView: View { @State var inspectorPresented = true var body: some View { NavigationStack() { Text("Main View") .inspector(isPresented: $inspectorPresented, content: { Text("Inspector") .inspectorColumnWidth(200) }) } } }
by benoit.
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My question concerns a macOS SwiftUI app. I would like to have a split view with 2 horizontal panes without sidebar: content on the left and inspector on the right. The inspector should act like the inspector panel on the right side side of the Xcode's window: when the window is resized, the inspector keeps it's current width and the user can resize the inspector using the split divider. Using macOS Monterey SDK, I tried to achieve this with HSplitView but the problem is that the left/right panels are both resized when the window is resized. struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { HSplitView { Rectangle().fill(.red) Rectangle().fill(.yellow) } } } Using Ventura SDK, I just tried the new view NavigationSplitView. I'm using .constant(.doubleColumn) to hide the sidebar but the problem is the same as HSplitView, the left/right panel are both resized when the window is resized. struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationSplitView(columnVisibility: .constant(.doubleColumn)) { Text("not used") } content: { Rectangle().fill(.red) } detail: { Rectangle().fill(.yellow) } } } When using NSSplitViewController with AppKit, the holdingPriority ( allows to manage this case: The view with the lowest priority is the first to gain additional width if the split view grows or shrinks. Is it possible to achieve this with SwiftUI?
by benoit.
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I'm not sure if I need to store any variable used in updateConfiguration(using:) in the custom key value store of UICellConfigurationState. I'm skeptical because some of these variables do not semantically represent a "state". If I look at the sample WWDC sample code for custom cells configurations, all the variables used in updateConfiguration(using:) method are stored in the custom key value store of UICellConfigurationState. In fact, in this sample code, it's the whole model that it's stored in a state custom key. It seems weird because the base properties of UICellConfigurationState are real "state" properties: like selected, highlighted. In the same way, for the cells provided by UIKit, non state properties are stored in the configuration. For example, UIListContentConfiguration.imageProperties.tintColor, UIListContentConfiguration.imageToTextPadding. For a custom cell, we could imagine to subclass UIListContentConfiguration but it's not possible because it's a struct. Imagine you have a custom UICollectionViewListCell with a custom checkmark view. Associated to this checkmark, you have: checkmarkTintColor: an “appearance” property to set the tint color of the checkmark. checkmarkChecked: a ”state” property associated to the checkmark state. What is the good practice? Storing them the state key value store like this? var checkmarkChecked: Bool = false { 		didSet { 				guard oldValue != checked else { 						return 				} 				setNeedsUpdateConfiguration() 		} } 		 var checkmarkTintColor: UIColor? = nil { 		didSet { 				guard oldValue != checkmarkTintColor else { 						return 				} 				setNeedsUpdateConfiguration() 		} } var configuration: UIListContentConfiguration? { 		didSet { 				guard oldValue != configuration else { 						return 				} 				setNeedsUpdateConfiguration() 		} } override var configurationState: UICellConfigurationState { 		var state = super.configurationState 		state.checkmarkChecked = checkmarkChecked 		state.checkmarkTintColor = checkmarkTintColor 		return state } override func updateConfiguration(using state: UICellConfigurationState) { 		... 		checkmarkImageView.image = state.checked ? UIImage(systemName: "") : UIImage(systemName: "circle") 		checkmarkImageView.tintColor = checkmarkTintColor }
by benoit.
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I wonder how to make an animation on a view inside a cell visible on-screen based on iOS 14 cell configuration API. Imagine I want to animate the visibility of a placeholder view, in the old style, I would have write something like this: class MyCell: UICollectionViewCell { var placeholderVisible: Bool { get { return placeholderVisibleBackingValue } set { setPlaceholderVisible(newValue, animated: false) } } func setPlaceholderVisible(_ visible: Bool, animated: Bool) { placeholderVisibleBackingValue = visible updatePlaceHolderVisibility(animated: animated) } private func updatePlaceHolderVisibility(animated: Bool) { if animated { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) { 						 placeholderView.alpha = placeholderVisible ? 1 : 0 				 } } else { placeholderView.alpha = placeholderVisible ? 1 : 0 } } } WWDC 2020 "Modern Cell Configuration" session briefly mentions animations at 09:09 time. It says that we can nest a configuration change inside an animation block. In practice, I'm not sure how I could do this because every configuration change needs to call setNeedsUpdateConfiguration(). Since it's an async method, nesting this method in an animation block would not work. Here is a code snippet of a custom cell based on a cell configuration API: class MyCell: UICollectionViewListCell { 		var placeholderVisible: Bool = false { 				didSet { 						guard oldValue != placeholderVisible else { 								return 						} 						setNeedsUpdateConfiguration() 				} 		} 		 		override var configurationState: UICellConfigurationState { 				var state = super.configurationState 				/* `state.placeholderVisible` is a custom key in the UICellConfigurationState key value store */ 				state.placeholderVisible = placeholderVisible 				return state 		} 		 		override func updateConfiguration(using state: UICellConfigurationState) { 				var content = defaultListContentConfiguration().updated(for: state) 				listContentView.configuration = content 				placeholderView.alpha = state.placeholderVisible ? 1 : 0 		} } Apple recommendation is to always write all the cell’s configuration in a single place updateConfiguration(using state: UICellConfigurationState). Since this method is called by setNeedsUpdateConfiguration()which is async, I don't know how I could apply an animation when changing the alpha value of the placeholderView.
by benoit.
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I can't find the API to programmatically check or unckeck the multi select accessory in a UICollectionViewListCell accordingly to the model when the cell is displayed. This is my cell registration: let cellRegistration = UICollectionView.CellRegistration<UICollectionViewListCell, Item> { (cell, indexPath, item) in var content = cell.defaultContentConfiguration() content.text = item.title cell.contentConfiguration = content 		cell.accessories = [.multiselect(displayed: .always, options: UICellAccessory.MultiselectOptions())] }
by benoit.
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