




Reply to What are the best practices for managing custom properties with cells configurations?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question clearly. It helped! I still have some hesitation about the choice: custom configurations versus custom cells. From what I understand, if I make a custom cell, I cannot have a custom configuration. Let's take an example: If I make a custom UICollectionViewListCell cell for a sidebar, then use UIListContentConfiguration.sidebarCell() in order to have all its rendering for free (text label, image view, ...). I would insert the UIListContentView associated to UIListContentConfiguration.sidebarCell() in the view hiearchy and add some custom views. If I have some properties controlling the appearance for these extra custom views, they should be placed in a configuration but since my custom views are in the cell's context, it's not possible because I don't have any configuration associated to them. So, in this case, I think it's a limitation of the API and I need to place these properties in the UICellConfigurationState custom key value store.
Aug ’20