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I created an ios app with two renewing subscriptions: monthly and annually. I am testing the app in the sandbox. I can switch from annually to monthly any time. However I can not subscribe to annual if monthly is not expired. The apple store reports a successful purchase, but a receipt from Apple store keeps saying I have monthly subscription. Even after it expires I don't receive a new receipt. I can purchase annual subscription only if the previous monthly subscription expired. I guess it is not desired behavior. Please advise.
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The below code generates the error "No matching function for call to CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress":(void) GetImage: (CMSampleBufferRef) buffer { void *address = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(buffer); ... }I had included CoreVideo and AVFoundation frameworks. It doesn't help. Interesting is that if I add the code in an m-file I get no error. Adding this code to an mm-file in the same project creates the error. Any idea how to fix? Thanks
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