I have an app which requires the user to have direct interaction with a view when VoiceOver is enabled. In iOS 12 and 13 my code worked as expected. However, in iOS 14, whenever the user tries to interact with the view requiring direct interaction, the view responds with the audible message:
"Direct touch area. Use the rotor to enable direct touch for this app."
This is a bit of an awkward user experience for a visually impaired user. The user now has to enable something which was working just fine in previous versions. In addition, anytime the user navigates away from the app and then returns, they must re-enable direct touch again.
In my code I was able to enable direct interactions with the following code:
view.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
view.isAccessibilityElement = true
view.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraits.allowsDirectInteraction
However, this no loner seems to be enough. How do I tell my app: "Yes, please use direct interaction all the time and don't bother the user?"
I'm creating a pure SwiftUI app. I wish to use a background task to keep my data up-to-date while in the background. I've found the BGTaskScheduler documentation (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/backgroundtasks/bgtaskscheduler). In the section titled Register, Schedule, and Run Tasks, the document states:
During app startup, you register a launch handler, a small block of code that runs the task, and an associated unique identifier for each task. Register all of the tasks before the end of the app launch sequence. For more information, see About the App Launch Sequence.
I know you can do this in application(_ :, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method of the AppDelegate. However, in a pure SwiftUI app there is no AppDelegate. So, how do I register my background task in SwiftUI? If I can't, then how do a retrofit an AppDelegate into an already existing SwiftUI app?
Thanks, Alan
I'm looking for sample code showing how to use Cre Data with a public CloudKit database. I found WWDC20-10650. However, when I pull the sample project, the project has been updated for WWDC22-10119 (which shows how to use Core Data with a shared CloudKit database.) According to the WWDC20-10650 talk, you interact with the public database differently. Does anyone know where I can find a working sample project that shows how to setup and properly query a public CloudKit database using Core Data?