Using Transporter app from the provided link initially worked, but we've recently started encountering Transporter issues again.
[13:03:15]: Error message: "An error occurred while trying to call the requested method validateAssets. (1272)" "Return status of iTunes Transporter was 1: An error occurred while trying to call the requested method validateAssets. (1272)"
The call to the iMSTransporter completed with a non-zero exit status: 1. This indicates a failure.
[13:03:15]: Password contains special characters, which may not be handled properly by iMSTransporter. If you experience problems uploading to App Store Connect, please con sider changing your password to something with only alphanumeric characters.
[13:03:15]: Could not download/upload from App Store Connect! It's probably related to your password or your internet connection.
(Source: Step upload_to_testflight in Fastlane)
We’ve confirmed that there were no changes made to the project.
Has anyone else experienced this issue with the Transporter app?