I have the same problem on a physical MacBook with MacOS Sequoia 15.1.1 installed.
It happens every time I start up XCode 16.2
Feedback id FB16198909
The operation couldn’t be completed. (ModelCatalog.CatalogErrors.AssetErrors error 1.)
Domain: ModelCatalog.CatalogErrors.AssetErrors
Code: 1
User Info: {
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-12-30 14:51:45 +0000";
Failed to find asset: com.apple.fm.code.generate_small_v1.tokenizer - no asset
Domain: ModelCatalog.CatalogErrors.AssetErrors
Code: 1
This worked for me as well. Which is strange, because I did various combinations of the same actions before, and that did not work. Using this precise sequence of actions made it work, though.
But it is still very unreliable, many "Transport Error"s when trying to connect to the Apple Watch.
I followed this, and it did not solve the issue for me.
That other thread seems to be about something different: a problem with static libraries. The warning that we all get in XCode 16 is about missing dSym for the app executable itself.
This does not work for me (tested on iPhone 11). It comes back with console messages "Warning - invoking recordDataType:forDuration: on main may lead to deadlock" and "Response invalid". I tried starting it on a background thread, but it still reports "Response invalid". Any ideas on how to make it work?
This does not work for me (tested on iPhone 11). It comes back with console messages "Warning - invoking recordDataType:forDuration: on main may lead to deadlock" and "Response invalid".
I tried starting it on a background thread, but it still reports "Response invalid".
Any ideas on how to make it work?
When switching off Wifi and Bluetooth on the phone, it does not work at all anymore. XCode is simply stuck on "Installing".
So that confirms that XCode is insisting on using Wifi. How can I switched that off?
The link in this answer is redirected to a general swift page. Where is the explanation how to use a Swift framework in an objective-c project?
I am seeing the same issue with a number of users of my app (on 15.4.1 (19E258) ). I use no custom UIActivity, but do use UIActivityIndicatorView at some places, with standard style UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge