




Under iOS18.1 and Xcode 16.1, use Matter and MatterSupport to pair Matter devices
Under iOS18.1 and Xcode 16.1, use Matter and MatterSupport to pair Matter devices. It was found that Matter over WIFI devices could not trigger the PASE process let device = try deviceController? .deviceBeingCommissioned(withNodeID: commissioningDeviceID) After some time: func controller(_: MTRDeviceController, statusUpdate status: MTRCommissioningStatus) Return failure Device logs: E (47956) chip[ZCL]: Commissioning window is currently not open I (48789) chip[EM]: <<< [E:17954r S:13425 M:26847390 (Ack:206367876)] (S) Msg TX to 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] [UDP:[FE80::148F:AC68:D736:CA5C%st1]:58332] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) E (48798) chip[DL]: Long dispatch time: 867 ms, for event type 3 I (48804) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17954r S:13425 M:206367876 (Ack:26847387)] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (48819) chip[EM]: <<< [E:17954r S:13425 M:26847391 (Ack:206367876)] (S) Msg TX to 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] [UDP:[FE80::148F:AC68:D736:CA5C%st1]:58332] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) I (48838) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17954r S:13425 M:206367876 (Ack:26847387)] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (48851) chip[EM]: <<< [E:17954r S:13425 M:26847392 (Ack:206367876)] (S) Msg TX to 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] [UDP:[FE80::148F:AC68:D736:CA5C%st1]:58332] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) I (48935) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17954r S:13425 M:206367877 (Ack:26847390)] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) I (48952) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17955r S:13425 M:206367878] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0001:0a (IM:TimedRequest) I (48957) chip[EM]: <<< [E:17955r S:13425 M:26847393 (Ack:206367878)] (S) Msg TX to 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] [UDP:[FE80::148F:AC68:D736:CA5C%st1]:58332] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) I (48998) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17955r S:13425 M:206367879 (Ack:26847393)] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) I (49019) esp_matter_command: Received command 0x00000000 for endpoint 0x0000's cluster 0x0000003C I (49019) chip[ZCL]: Received command to open commissioning window I (49025) chip[DIS]: Updating services using commissioning mode 2 I (49087) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. I (49093) chip[DIS]: Advertise operational node 752B90252951AE90-000000005B4AA994 I (49094) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Operational device'; instance name: 752B90252951AE90-000000005B4AA994. I (49105) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matter._tcp I (49109) chip[DIS]: Advertise commission parameter vendorID=5493 productID=8228 discriminator=0741/02 cm=2 I (49120) chip[DIS]: CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 1D59D05DF5376A3B. I (49137) chip[DIS]: mDNS service published: _matterc._udp I (49137) chip[ZCL]: Commissioning window is now open I (49143) chip[EM]: <<< [E:17955r S:13425 M:26847394 (Ack:206367879)] (S) Msg TX to 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] [UDP:[FE80::148F:AC68:D736:CA5C%st1]:58332] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) I (49161) app_main: Commissioning window opened I (49200) chip[EM]: >>> [E:17955r S:13425 M:206367880 (Ack:26847394)] (S) Msg RX from 1:00000000EE53575F [AE90] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) I (69380) SENSOR: Temp: 236 I (69383) ACInterface: AC event ntc :236
Nov ’24