




Dynamically generated USDZ fails to load in Safari QuickLook in visionOS Simulator
Hello! I've got a website that dynamically generates a USDZ file and adds that to the webpage as described in the Apple docs here. This works as expected on iOS and iPadOS, but silently fails to load in the visionOS simulator in Xcode 15 beta 2. Example Site: Repro Steps: Open the above example page in iOS and click the QuickLook icon. The model loads into QuickLook as expected. Open the visionOS simulator, and load the same site in Safari. Click the QuickLook icon. Nothing happens. I'm trying to figure out if this is a visionOS safari bug or a limitation of the OS itself, and was wondering if anybody else has hit the same problem/heard anything about Safari Quicklook params changing on visionOS. The difference between Apple's working QuickLook examples and the above site, is that whilst the official static model examples all point to a pre-generated USDZ file, the ThreeJS example generates the USDZ on the fly in Javascript code, and populates the link with a Javascript Blob object. I wonder if this more insecure format is perhaps now specifically disallowed. Thanks! Matt
Jun ’23