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Since iOS 16 it is possible to use content filter on managed apps instead of supervised devices using the new ContentFilterUUID attribute. I built a simple test project for this and found that even when targeting browser apps, no flow in the data filter is NEFilterBrowserFlow and thus can be remediated with a blocking page. All received flows are socket flows. When changing the configuration via NEFilterManager to filterSockets=false and filterBrowsers=true nothing passes through the content filter. Is this by design? is there no way to show blocking pages using per app content filter?
by aviads.
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9 Replies
Hi,I'm using a NSURLSession with the backgroundSessionConfiguration to send a NSURLSessionUploadTask in the background.I noticed that sometimes after waking by the OS in the app delegate's handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession, I get a call on the NSURLSessionDataDelegate for URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData *directly before* URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError. They seem to be called by two different threads in the same time. Naturally, processing the didComplete before getting the data in didReceive results in bugs. Is this the normal behavior for background tasks and I should support these parallel out of order calls to the delegate for the same task, or is it a bug and just open a rdar?Thanks
by aviads.
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8 Replies
I used the new iOS 13 UITableViewDiffableDataSource to hook up my UITableView, and have a NSFetchedResultsController updating it with the core data objects using the new controller:didChangeContentWithSnapshot: delegate. So far so good. The table view is populated and rows are inserted and removed as expected. But I don't get any updates for updated NSManagedObjects, only for inserted or removed NSManagedObjects. The delegate method is called when a NSManagedObject is updated in the Core Data, but the new snapshot is identical to the old one, as the order of the items is not changed and neither is the NSManagedObjectID returned by the snapshot. How am I expected to update unmoved rows?
by aviads.
Last updated