




Trust this computer no longer persists when rebooting the host mac machine
Using iPads with iOS 17 connected to 2018 intel mac minis no longer maintain trust with Xcode after rebooting the machine. For context, we have several iPads for our CI system that run tests on the device so they're always connected to the mac minis. We have needed to reboot the mac minis often to workaround issues that happen with older versions of Xcode. Once the mac mini does an autologin, the iPads would connect to it and we can run tests again using a fresh state of macOS needed to build and run the tests. We recently upgraded to Xcode 15 and didn't have any issues with this. However, once we upgraded the iPads to 17.0.2, this workflow was broken and we have to physically go to the iPad to accept the trust once again. The iPad was available through finder but Xcode doesn't recognize it. The same issue has been blogged at and asks the question of whether this was intentional or not. If it is intentional, is there a developer mode option that can be used to always trust devices which are crucial for CI automation?
Sep ’23