




Reply to Missing (or invalid) dSYMs
Seeing the same issue. We started seeing this for a build which we uploaded to Appstore connect on July 27th 2021. Ever since then all of our bitcode enabled builds uploaded to appstore connect do not have matching UUIDs between the crashes reported and the dsyms downloaded from appstore connect. Even xcode organiser is unable to symbolicate these crash logs. This issue seems to be happening for app targets and not the extension targets such as Intent Service extensions. The app extension crashes appear symbolicated on xcode organiser. If it helps our Compressed File size on appstore connect is 274MB.
Aug ’21
Reply to Missing (or invalid) dSYMs
We are using Instabug, and while we do have some Firebase pods, we are not using FirebaseCrashlytics and do not have it integrated. Another thing to note is that we haven't really changed any dependencies between the last release where we were getting symbolicated logs and the release in which we are not getting symbolicated logs. It was a patch release with minimal code change and no build setting changes. These are the firebase pod versions from our podfile pod 'Firebase', '7.7.0' pod 'FirebaseRemoteConfig', '7.7.0' pod 'FirebasePerformance', '7.7.0' pod 'FirebaseDynamicLinks', '7.7.0'
Aug ’21