




Apple Pay guidelines clarification
Hello there, I have a couple of question about Apple Pay guidelines: • if we offer Apple Pay payment method in our app, can we disable the selection (I mean the method selection NOT the Payment button!) IF certain condition happens? E.g. the user cannot select apple pay payment method because our basket is not ready yet. • Are we forced to move the apple pay payment method on the top of our selection? E.g. Cards, Cash On Delivery, Coupon, Apple Pay --> Apple Pay, Cards, Cash On Delivery, Coupon One last technical question: • when we start the payment process we are gonna create the request and present the sheet BUT we have to call our backend for pre-authorization, is it allowed? @objc private func applePayButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) { // TODO: Is it allowed? // We need to ask to our backend a pre-authorization and THEN procced with Apple Pay flow // but this could be done ONLY after the user TAP on BUY with APPLE PAY and BEFORE // paymentAuthorizationViewController is called. // Are we compliant to do that? if PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePayments(usingNetworks: FakeData.paymentInfo()) { let request = PKPaymentRequest() request.blablabla = blabla let authorizationViewController = PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController(paymentRequest: request) if let viewController = authorizationViewController { viewController.delegate = self present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } } Thanks in advance :)
May ’24
Universal Link with non latin characters
Hi folks, we are stuck with new universal links on our domains, in particular we should open links for APAC market. Our site domain has non-latin chars in the path and so even the universal link should contain those values, e.g.レディース app-association-file 👇🏻 "/??/άνδρας" "/??/γυναίκα" "/??/レディース" Unfortunately they dont work, in any scenario we are not able to open the app. Do you know about a OS limitation with non-latin chars in the UL? Is it supported?
Oct ’23
SPM: Loading resources from second common module
Hi guys, i'm encountering an issue that makes me crazy. Dunno if there's a solution available :D I have a main apps that imports a lot of local SPM modules; some of them are considered base common models, imported by other modules (e.g. Module1 is a base module with common resources for Module2 and Module3). Unfortunately when i import all the modules, all the resources inside the Module1 seems not loaded (not found!) correctly. Module1 (common model) targets: [ .target(name: Module1, dependencies: [], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Module2 targets: [ .target(name: Module2, dependencies: [ .byName(name: Module1), ], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Module3 targets: [ .target(name: Module3, dependencies: [ .byName(name: Module1), ], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Example of errors i'm encountering: Calls from main app (.workspace) with imported SPM Module1, 2, 3. Bundle.module.path(forResource: <xib file in Module1>, ofType: "nib") => nil Bundle.module.loadNibNamed(<xib file in Module1>, owner: self, options: nil)?.first as? UIView => nil Do you have any idea how to load correctly all the dependencies?
Jul ’22