
Post not yet marked as solved
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My question is - Can ARSession run in the background - basically I need the ARKit running and all the per frame information and camera incentrics but I DONT want to render the camera feed on the screen - As happens in the ARSCNView.Not specifically in the background thread or process.Basically I just want to use the Tracking information(Images + Camera Pos + Camera Euler Angles etc) from the ARKit and dont want to render anything in AR per se or the camera feed.Before everyone jumps on me - I know that Apple restricts GPU process in the background - case in point :Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (IOAF code 6)But there should be a way to use the ARKit or ARSession without the camera feed and only with the tracking information, right?
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1 Replies
I am trying to run a websocket server and client in the same app. Will the View starting the server and client is webpage loaded throught webview (HTTPS) to connect to wss://I adopted the samples from swift-nio-transport services and i could get the scenrio working BUT I cannot get the secured wss over https working.Is this possible? This discussion seems to defer ( provide some context - I am did this -
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