




App review Guideline 3.1.3b expected but no paid content
Hello, we are a freemail provider, made a simple app for our customers with read (from web), write mails (from web), addressbook, cloudstorage (from web), no external links, no call to action, no in app rewards, no in app purchase. We just use 'admob' to finance development. Now the reviewer of my app says i have to build in the Apple IAP in case of guidline 3.1.3b but what should i offer, its freemail, i have no things which i can build in in the App. I have paid-services on my website, SMTP, more space, more alias names but it has nothing to do with the app. The signup is also external. The guidline 3.1.3f say "3.1.3(f): Free Stand-alone Apps: Free apps acting as a stand-alone companion to a paid web based tool (eg. VOIP, Cloud Storage, Email Services, Web Hosting) do not need to use in-app purchase, provided there is no purchasing inside the app, or calls to action for purchase outside of the app." The question is, when its a stand alone app, i also have the app on Andoid and the Webseite, anyone also such problems, its horrible, take so much time und no much information what i should remove or do.
Oct ’20