I have a new app I’m working on. I just ran the app on my own phone and noting was put in CloudKit. I get the following error:
com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:__defaultOwner__ = <CKError 0x30305d530: "Permission Failure" (10/2007); server message = "Invalid bundle ID for container"; op = 5D9EC664D6A5C463; uuid = 990B1892-07E6-45C9-B718-0B1BD8DED75A>
So none of my SwiftData models are being transferred up the CloudKit. My bundle ID is: com.tazmancoder.MyHomeInventory. I know that everything is setup correctly cause I have another app using SwiftData and I followed the same setup.
I have done the following and nothing has worked:
Go to https://developer.apple.com and sign in
Select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Select Identifiers (App IDs)
Edit App ID for the app
Uncheck iCloud
Check iCloud
Quit Xcode and Clear DerivedData
Run app
I am not sure why this is happening? Can someone please tell me why this happening and how to fix it?
I have a couple questions about the renewal and usage of APNs SSL Certificates for an app.
Why does Xcode include push notifications when setting up iCloud?
If my app will only ever use local notifications do I need to configure APN SSL Certificates for the app?
I have an app that Im getting notified my APN certificates will expire soon. The app does not use Push Notifications so do I need to renew the certificates?
Sorry for the newbie questions, I'm just unsure about this part.