




Trying to integrate Oracle Digital Assistant into an ios app
Hello fellow developers, We are trying to develop a chatbot application for ios devices using the powers of Oracle Digital Assistant. Main Documentation :- Implementation instructions :- The point is when we are trying to run the app, we are facing tons of warnings as in below screenshot. Here is the code for the ViewController.swift as below: // // ViewController.swift // ODA_Configure // // Created by Macbook on 15/05/24. // //import UIKit // //class ViewController: UIViewController { // // override func viewDidLoad() { // super.viewDidLoad() // // Do any additional setup after loading the view. // } // // //} // Import the SDK import UIKit import BotClientUISDK public class ViewController: UIViewController { // Declare a global BotsViewController variable in your app view controller class public var chatViewController: BotsViewController? public override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Obtain a shared instance of BotsViewController from BotsUIManager chatViewController = BotsUIManager.shared().viewControllerInstance() // Specify the color changes if any in a particular component. Make sure you set all the required colors in BotsProperties before adding the chat view to the view controller. // Add the chatViewController to your navigationController self.navigationController?.pushViewController(chatViewController!, animated: false) // Obtain a shared instance of BotsManager let botsManager = BotsManager.shared() // If you require access to callback methods provided in AuthenticationProvider. Make sure your class conforms to BotsMessageServiceDelegate // botsManager.authenticationTokenProvider = self let baseUrl = "" let channelID = "ff8a2d3f-7d65-4dab-a09a-d8f574ce5b7a" // Initialize a BotsConfiguration object and set feature flags if required. let botsConfiguration = BotsConfiguration(url: baseUrl , channelId: channelID) BotsManager.shared().connect(botsConfiguration: botsConfiguration) // Set the feature flag values if the desired values are different from the default values botsConfiguration.showConnectionStatus = true botsConfiguration.enableSpeechSynthesis = true botsConfiguration.disablePastActions = "none" // Initialize the configuration in botsViewController. Make sure you set all the feature flag values before passing the botsConfiguration to initConfiguration. chatViewController?.initConfiguration(botsConfiguration: botsConfiguration) // If you require access to callback methods provided in BotsMessageServiceDelegate. Make sure your class conforms to BotsMessageServiceDelegate //botsManager.delegate = self // If you require access to callback methods provided in BotsEventListener. Make sure your class conforms to BotsEventListener //botsManager.botsEventListener = self // Initialize and establish connection to the chat server BotsManager.shared().initialize(botsConfiguration: botsConfiguration, completionHandler: { (connectionStatus, error) in if error != nil { print ("Error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") } else { print ("Connection Status: \(connectionStatus)") } }) } } After executing this code, we are getting the message as build succeeded , and this is the emulator, which happens to be blank white all the time. Possibly due the warning which I have posted above this seems to be the showstopper in the development. We are developing this for a prestigious client and would request an assistance as soon as possible. P.S :- We are using Xcode 15 with Simulator of version 17.0.
May ’24