Is there any way to read EDID data in new Apple M1 devices since the below code snippet does not work in M1 machines however it works in Intel based Mac.
io_object_t object = -1;
io_iterator_t iterator;
CFMutableDictionaryRef matching = IOServiceMatching("IODisplayConnect");
kern_return_t kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, matching, &iterator);
if (KERN_SUCCESS == kernResult && iterator != 0) {
object = IOIteratorNext(iterator);
while (object != 0) {
CFDictionaryRef dict = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(object, kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName);
process data here
object = IOIteratorNext(iterator);
Also tried replacing "IODisplayConnect" by "IODPDevice" but still get an empty iterator.
is there any cocoa API available using which we can get below details of physical memory?
Able to get this data using system_profiler SPMemoryDataType but looking for API instead of command since this command do not return all above data for Apple M1 machine.
I am trying to read history of below browsers in Mac through daemon.
Safari (History.db)
Google Chrome (History)
Firefox (places.sqlite)
Since the original History.db files are locked, i am copying it to another location so i can read from copied one. However i get below error,
**“History.db” couldn’t be copied because you don’t have permission to access"
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512**
Any help is much appreciated.
Is there any native cocoa API available which gives below graphic card details in Intel and Apple M1 machines?
Chipset Model,
VRAM (Dynamic, Max),
Device ID,
Revision ID,
Automatic Graphics Switching,
gMux Version,
Metal Family