




Bluetooth Multiple connections, stuck in "connecting" state
Hi, There is a random issue I am facing where if I'm trying to connect to a device, it goes to connecting state but even after waiting quite a while, the state doesn't become connected, neither does connection fails. The issue is more observable when connecting to multiple devices, for eg if i'm connecting to 8 devices, sometimes 1 gets stuck in connecting state. In an even rarer case, all devices start getting stuck in connecting state. Killing the app and opening seems to resolve the issue but a few days later the issue resurfaces. This is what I'm doing regarding CBBluetoothManager: Define two dispatch queues fileprivate let bluetoothQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".CBCentralManager") fileprivate let nonBluetoothQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".CBCentralManager.2") Define centralManager private lazy var defaultCentralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self,                                queue: bluetoothQueue,                                options: [                                 CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true,                                 CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: "MyCBCentralManager"   ]) Start and stop scan func start() {     isScanningRequested = true     bluetoothQueue.async {       self.centralManagerDidUpdateState(self.defaultCentralManager)     }   }       func stop() {     isScanningRequested = false     restartScanJob?.cancel()     bluetoothQueue.async {       self.centralManagerDidUpdateState(self.defaultCentralManager)     }   }    func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {     nonBluetoothQueue.async { [self] in       switch central.state {       case .poweredOn:         if(isScanningRequested){           Logger.log(priority: .INFO, message: "starting scan")           restartScanJob?.cancel()           restartScanJob = DispatchWorkItem(block: {             self.start()           })           bluetoothQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(120), execute: restartScanJob!) //Restarting after 2 mins as it is observed that scan slows down after sometime           central.scanForPeripherals(withServices: getServiceCBUUIDs(), options:[CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: true] )         }         else{           Logger.log(priority: .INFO, message: "stopping scan")           central.stopScan()         }         break       default:         break       }     }   } All delegate functions run in nonBluetoothQueue so as to return the function immediately. Following is one example func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {     nonBluetoothQueue.async { [self] in       guard let extendedPeripheral : ExtendedPeripheral = getExtendedPeriperal(from: peripheral) else {         Logger.log(priority: .ERROR, message: "Connected to unknown \(peripheral.identifier.uuidString) disconnecting")         defaultCentralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral)         return       }       Logger.log(priority: .DEBUG, message: "Connected to \(peripheral.identifier.uuidString)")       extendedPeripheral.connected = true       delegate.didConnect(extendedPeripheral)       peripheral.discoverServices(nil);     }   } PS. ExtendedPeripheral is a wrapper class to store the CBPeripheral object I also have a safety check to not call connect repeatedly. This was done because I used to observe the connection getting delayed if calling connect when it's already connecting private func connect(to extendedPeripheral : ExtendedPeripheral) {     if (extendedPeripheral.cbPeripheral.state == .connected || extendedPeripheral.cbPeripheral.state == .connecting) {       Logger.log(priority: .WARN, message: "Will not connect. Current state is \(extendedPeripheral.cbPeripheral.state)")       return     }     Logger.log(priority: .INFO, message: "Connecting to " + extendedPeripheral.identifier.uuidString)     defaultCentralManager.connect(extendedPeripheral.cbPeripheral)   }
Oct ’21
Home keys and office keys documentation missing
Hello, In wwdc 2021 keynote 7th june video on Youtube ( there was a mention of unlocking doors via apple wallet. For home, it uses home keys which is part of the homekit framework. This is simple to understand since there is enough documentation on adding support to our hardware. For office though we can't find any documentation. What are the requirements on the hardware/firmware side? I'm assuming we can't use homekit for offices since each organisation will have a few admins but 100+ employees. Admin cannot be bothered with adding so many appleids one by one as given in homekit tutorial. We are a smart access control company that manufacturers bluetooth and nfc based hardware for unlocking doors. These doors can be unlocked with iphone through our app over ble as of now. We would like to add functionality to simply tap the phone/watch to our hardware to unlock the door. As mentioned in the wwdc21, other brands like proxy, hid and salto seems to have already partnered up with apple and we would like to join that list
Jun ’21