




Reply to iOS 16.0 beta 7 broke Text(Date(), style: .timer) in SwiftUI widgets
I am having issues with the always-on screen changing the 3:44:22 to '3 hours 44 minutes' which is way too long for the widget. Has anybody managed so find a solution for this issue on the always-on screen? I notice the apple timer shows this as 3:44:-- which is a much better presentation for a widget. I understand wanting to drop the seconds update in always-on for battery life but why such a long string? Makes it unusable.
Feb ’24
Reply to iOS17 UITextView inputView becomFirstResponder does not work
Not sure if this will help some but for me I was getting this message with a WKWebView that was editable when trying to show the keyboard. It was looping endlessly. I finally managed to remove the error and use the keyboard by removing an environment variable that I had in the view that contained the WKWebView Representable. It was the following @Environment(.colorScheme) var colorScheme. Commenting this out removed the problem.
Nov ’23