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I am trying to generate a simple playground to display Table structure with several TableColumns. Basically, generated a new blank playground; add import statements for SwiftUI and PlayGround support; add structure for content view and a statement for invoking that view as: `PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView(ContentView()) In general, all of the view components work as expected EXCEPT for the table structure which does not display anything. Its basic structure is: Table(rows, selection: $selRow) { TableColumn("ID") {Text(String($} TableColumn("Name", value: \.nt) } where "rows" is an array of the structure TRow: struct TRow : Identifiable { var id:Int var num:Int var nt:String } Is there some special trick to allowing a SwiftUI Table to be displayed in Playground?
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I have Mac Sonoma beta installed on an external hard drive; when I boot into it I get a notification that there is an update for Apple Studio display (17..0). This update is NOT available when booted into Mac OS 13.4 so I am hesitant to apply it through Sonoma. Question is: will installing this update while in Sonoma cause issues when Studio Display is used in 13.4?
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I am trying to upgrade to Sonoma; it shows in System Settings Software update and when I click on "upgrade" it downloads the install program and "installs" it but when computer reboots it still has older version. (System settings still shows upgrade available). Is there a way to figure out why the install failed?
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I'm using TABLE in SwiftUI macOS app with several Table Columns: each column has an associated sort key. The sorting works fine but my question is: If the table supports single row selection, is there a way to scroll to the selected row after a sort operation? EG if I have 300 rows and only 50 display at a time if row 5 is selected and column sorting moves this row to row 200 how can I scroll to row 200 after sort? I have seen examples of using LIST and ScrollViewReader to programmatically scroll to a LIST row but this approach does not appear to work with TABLE structures.
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I am testing a simple TCP server/client app using the Network support on mac os x. It basically works well except when the server sends a lot of data (definition of "a lot" is that the amount of data exceeds the maximumLength value in the connection.receive call). In this case the client will receive multiple segments (each of which has less than or equal maximumLength value). For example if the maximumLength is set to 30000 and the server sends 100000 bytes, the client receive loop will get around 4 segments each of which has length <= 30000. My question is: is there some information that the client can examine from the connection after a receive to determine that more data is available?
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Some of my apps no longer run in Monterey 12.0.1; they abort with dylib error such as: Library not loaded: @rpath/SwiftSocket.framework/Versions/A/SwiftSocket . . . (no such file) the library is located in ~/Library/Frameworks and this worked in earlier versions of mac os x but now fails. If I copy the framework to /Library/Frameworks then the apps execute as expected. How can I set the runtime search path properly when building the project in Xcode 13.1?
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I have a simple SwiftUI app with a Settings View. When the view is displayed (via Preferences menu item) I move it to a different screen position. After ending the app and re-starting it, the Settings View is displayed at original position rather than new position. If I look at the default preferences for the app, there is an entry for: "NSWindow Frame com_apple_SwiftUI_Settings_window" which has the modified screen position but it appears that the app does not use this position when displaying Settings View. Is there some other way to assign Settings window position?
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I have a simple app built with Xcode 11.7; it uses 2 ML Models that were generated with Create ML tool. It builds and executes as expected. After installing Xcode 12, when I try to build the app (without any changes), I get build failures with a message like this: Type 'MLModel' has no member '__loadContents' it appears twice (presumably once for each ML Model). I tried re-generating the ML models with Create ML from Xcode 12 but that didn't eliminate the error messages. (If I do a CLEAN-PROJECT before building, still get the errors) (Also, the Xcode 11.7 app still executes without problems) Anyone else have this type of problem?
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Every 24 hours or so I get this email: "You have revoked your certificate, so it is no longer valid". What did I do to revoke it? (I"m just using the Xcode auto-generation process so unsure as to what I did that caused it to be revoked). It doesn't seem to have any effect on testing but it's annoying to constantly get this email, so I'm just trying to understand why this keeps happening. Are these Xcode generated certificates only valid for 24 hours?
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when I try to download Xcode 13 beta 5 Safari gives the following error message: "cannot decode raw data" (NSURI ErrorDomain:-1015)
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I have (what I thought was) a very simple mac OS project view consisting of a window, a tabbed view with 2 tabs and in one of these tabs a tableview. When I run it it works as expected; however sometimes the datasource contains more rows than will display; in this case the vertical scroll works fine. I can drag the window frame to "resize" the window but the tableview height does not change. To fix this problem I added 2 constraints to the border scroll view of the table - for top space and bottom space - both set relative to its superview. The top space is set to a fixed value and the bottom space is set to "default". When I do this there are no layout constraint errors but when I run it, the table doesn't appear at all. Any thoughts or suggestions?
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I am trying to enable the zoom feature by accessing System Preferences - Accessibility - Zoom and then clicking on the "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom".; however, after doing this, using Control - Scroll does nothing. When I go back into the preferences the "Use scroll ..." is NOT checked so it appears that the setting is not stored. Same problem with "Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom". In the Accessibility - General screen, the Zoom item is checked. I am using beta 3.
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I am testing an ios app using xcode 10.2.1; the app runs properly in the various simulators available with xcode. If I connect my (fifth-generation) iPad to the computer and select it in xcode the app builds and downloads to the iPad device and it runs properly.However when I try to build and download to iPhone device (iPhone X or iPhone XR) the build fails with the error:"Your development team has reached the maximum number of registered iPhone devices" even though when I look at my account online there are NO registered devices of any kind.Has anyone else had this problem - and been able to resolve it?thanks for any responsesTerry Warren
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After creating an ios shortcut and adding it to home screen, when it is run it first opens shortcuts app and then runs the requested app so the shortcuts app is in the "background" of the screen. When the requested app ends, even though it has an Exit Shortcuts action, the shortcut app remains running until the DONE button is clicked. So I am wondering if there is a way to just run the requested shortcut with the shortcuts app suppressed?
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