




Reply to Xcode preview crash continuously
I tried to set it on iOS 17.5 and also used Legacy Previews Execution, no luck The crash seems to be somewhat different, since once I set it on Legacy Previews Execution it starts giving me an error on 3rd party dependencies: Missing required modules: 'FirebaseCore', 'FirebaseCrashlytics' The error I get when PreviewShell crashes is attached to this comment, maybe someone finds it helpful. Thanks! preview-shell-crash.log
Reply to Suggesting a shortcut doesn't work
I have the same problem. The shortcuts that are suggested with NSUserActivity (via INVoiceShortcutCenter.shared.setShortcutSuggestions(shortcutsToSuggest)) are not showing up in the Siri Wind Down list. They do show up in the "All other apps" section. Did anyone fix it? Also, the sample code project for Wind Down  ( doesn't include an example of suggested shortcuts that are created from NSUserActivity instances. Help?
Nov ’20