I seem to be running into the exact same problem. >:/
Edit: Whoops, sorry I should have made this a comment. (And ofc no delete option exists.)
One thing to check is that your ComplicationController is included in the watch app extension target.
My ultimate solution was to untrack the scheme files by adding their folder to my gitignore, duplicating them to an adjacent folder, and writing a script which will copy the new folder's contents to the ignored folder (must be run locally for each developer).
It's looking like this crash may be caused by .listRowPlatterColor(). Replace it with .listRowBackground()
It has been reported here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/659556
I have virtually the same crash log and situation but I don't have any @FetchRequest in my watch app... So I'm still lost. :T
Was it just a guess to try commenting out FetchRequest, or did you have a clue about that?