




Reply to iOS 17.4 (21E217) CMAltimeter not working
Found a workaround. Apparently the issue is that as of 17.4, CMLAltimeter startRelateiveAltitudeUpdates not needs "Motion & Fitness" permission. However, normally in iOS just using a service requiring the permission will initiate the permission prompt by iOS to the user. The trick it to force requesting permission. let recorder = CMSensorRecorder() recorder.recordAccelerometer(forDuration: 0.1) will prompt the user for permission. Once granted, relative altitude data works.
Mar ’24
Reply to iOS 17.4 (21E217) CMAltimeter not working
Found a workaround. Apparently the issue is that as of 17.4, CMLAltimeter startRelateiveAltitudeUpdates not needs "Motion & Fitness" permission. However, normally in iOS just using a service requiring the permission will initiate the permission prompt by iOS to the user. The trick it to force requesting permission. let recorder = CMSensorRecorder() recorder.recordAccelerometer(forDuration: 0.1) will prompt the user for permission. Once granted, relative altitude data works.
Mar ’24