PS: CMSampleBufferRef is an instance received from a AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate on method captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection. The queue associated with the video capture session was set to default priority. This happens on Xcode 15.3 and iOS 17.4.1.
You might will find the DeviceCheck Framework useful for detecting if a given device already have ended its trial-period. That framework allows your app ask for a token and your backend can contact Apple using that token to request the state of two state bit for that device. It is up to your application what those state bits mean, you could say that 00 app is installed, 01 trial-period started, 10 full-access unlocked and 11 fraudulent device.
Same here. I guess it has something to do with the card issuer policy as Apple does not request CVV code to place an order, I'll try to contact my card issuer to verify if they received any attempt from Apple.