😭😭😭 Really suggest it should fixed in next xcode version.
i got nothing but the crash. lots developers set min < 12 and they will very confuse. i was trapped by the problem for serval days cause dont know where is the trick. ;(
i figured out the crash. when your project set IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11 on xcode15.
you got crash when run in ios16(ios17-). i check the macho file and project linked Network.framework auto.
it works fine on xcode 14.3(xcode15-) cause it linked libswiftNetwork.dylib. why Network.framework will bring the crash?
xcode should show tip to developers not crash directly. so if you got same problem plz set IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12 and fixed!
here is example demo: https://github.com/aklee/Xcode15Crash
@eskimo @Abelchen
Does anyone find the wayout? I got same question when invoke [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:value forKey:key] in sub thread.