The iPhone app just crashed when I tried to sign up for a lab, but I had success doing the signup from the developer web page.
I have not yet installed iOS 14 on my LiDAR device. I will install it today and test again.
In my case I am using motion capture and I am trying to include visual elements, like for example a swoosh, as someone moves their arm. Ideally the swoosh could be dynamically created and three dimensional to better integrate with user's motion. The two ideas I proposed are partial solutions: the first requires the user's movement to match up with a pre-built animation that gets positioned relative to the user and steps through coordinated with the user.
the second can be dynamically drawn but only in a 2D plane approximating the user's true 3D movement.
Are there other ideas that might have different trade-offs or are closer to my goal?
Thanks for the suggestion. Since posting this I have indeed been able to get the beginnings of a hit test going with the segmentationBuffer, but then when I try to use the estimatedDepthData, I run into trouble extracting values.
Here's some of my code:
let segmentationCols = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(segmentationBuffer)
let segmentationRows = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(segmentationBuffer)
let colPosition = screenPosition.x / UIScreen.main.bounds.width * CGFloat(segmentationCols)
let rowPosition = screenPosition.y / UIScreen.main.bounds.height * CGFloat(segmentationRows)
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(segmentationBuffer, .readOnly)
guard let baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(segmentationBuffer) else { return }
let bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(segmentationBuffer)
let buffer = baseAddress.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
let index = Int(colPosition) + Int(rowPosition) * bytesPerRow
let b = buffer[index]
if let segment = ARFrame.SegmentationClass(rawValue: b), segment == .person, let depthBuffer = frame.estimatedDepthData {
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(depthBuffer, .readOnly)
guard let depthAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(depthBuffer) else { return }
let depthBytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(depthBuffer)
let depthBoundBuffer = depthAddress.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float32.self)
let depthIndex = Int(colPosition) * Int(rowPosition)
let depth_b = depthBoundBuffer[depthIndex]
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(depthBuffer, .readOnly)
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress( segmentationBuffer, .readOnly )
I strongly suspect that my problems are in line 19 and 20 of my code above, but I can't figure out the right values to find the point I want in the estimatedDepthData
Thanks for the suggestion. Since posting this I have indeed been able to get the beginnings of a hit test going with the segmentationBuffer, but then when I try to use the estimatedDepthData, I run into trouble extracting values.
Here's some of my code:
let segmentationCols = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(segmentationBuffer)
let segmentationRows = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(segmentationBuffer)
let colPosition = screenPosition.x / UIScreen.main.bounds.width * CGFloat(segmentationCols)
let rowPosition = screenPosition.y / UIScreen.main.bounds.height * CGFloat(segmentationRows)
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(segmentationBuffer, .readOnly)
guard let baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(segmentationBuffer) else { return }
let bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(segmentationBuffer)
let buffer = baseAddress.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
let index = Int(colPosition) + Int(rowPosition) * bytesPerRow
let b = buffer[index]
if let segment = ARFrame.SegmentationClass(rawValue: b), segment == .person, let depthBuffer = frame.estimatedDepthData {
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(depthBuffer, .readOnly)
guard let depthAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(depthBuffer) else { return }
let depthBytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(depthBuffer)
let depthBoundBuffer = depthAddress.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float32.self)
let depthIndex = Int(colPosition) * Int(rowPosition)
let depth_b = depthBoundBuffer[depthIndex]
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(depthBuffer, .readOnly)
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress( segmentationBuffer, .readOnly )
I strongly suspect that my problems are in line 19 and 20 of my code above, but I can't figure out the right values to find the point I want in the estimatedDepthData
So far on iOS 14, I have not encountered this crash again, so I am optimistic that it has been addressed
Hey thanks for the suggestion. That is actually what I had initially, similar to line 10, but it wasn't working so I started messing around with other values to see if I could get something to work. Neither one works though. Any other ideas? Most examples I've come across are Metal implementations and don't have corresponding code to what I'm trying to do.
That extension was super helpful and solved my problems, so thank you so much! Comparing the extension to my code, I think the key problem was in fact what you highlighted earlier--I needed to account for the pixel buffer width. In my previous implementation, I had been just accounting for the bytes per row which is what I thought you were saying too, but in fact you need to account for both.
Thanks again!
Yes, thanks, I recognize the estimated depth data is specific to people in the segmentation buffer. I have had some strange experiences yesterday--I turned on mesh scene reconstruction and the showSceneUnderstanding flag on my iPad running iOS 14 beta, and all of the sudden I got a continuous stream of of estimated depth data to a depth of around 4-5 meters. But then I tried it again with a new build, and I got literally no estimated depth data (i.e. all depth values were 0). I restarted my device and Xcode and again got a steady stream for a single build and then it again showed no data. Once I get a better handle on it I will file a bug report, but it did strike me that turning on one or both of those flags seemed to "wake up" the LiDAR for the estimated depth data. One other important note: in another test, I tried having someone hold the iPad instead of using a tripod, and that also seemed to improve my estimated depth data info, again suggesting that the LiDAR is not activated at least by default for estimated depth data.
After further testing, I think my strange experiences may have been unrelated to scene reconstruction. When I tested for person depth at a point more in the middle of the body, as opposed to at the feet where I had been testing, I got more consistent data quality.
As Sunkenf250 points out, the occlusion actually comes as an ARKit feature, not specifically RealityKit. In addition, once you've added the frame semantics to your configuration, you will receive a pixel buffer in each frame's estimatedDepthData property for all recognized people, which can easily be translated to a CIImage.
I have had the most success with glb files for packaging models, materials, and animations.
This seems to have been resolved by fixing a memory leak which prevented the ARView from properly unloading.
This document might also be helpful:
The standard first attack on retain cycles is making sure you've got weak references for any delegates. The next line of attack is ensuring you're using [weak self] for blocks on other threads, like in NSNotification blocks or sink blocks if you use Combine. I was having lots of retain cycle difficulties with my ARKit / SceneKit app, and addressing all of those items took care of the problem. Good luck!