I recommend filing this feedback with the Feedback app to ensure it gets seen by the right team within Apple.
Is your Macros.moduleMap file in the GeneratedModuleMaps folder (as opposed to GeneratedModuleMaps-iphoneos)?
I ask because we're experiencing the same issue. If we make a test project with macros, it finds the Macros module maps (that are in GeneratedModuleMaps) just fine.
You could use Self._printChanges in the meantime. I believe they print the same thing and that appears in the Xcode console.
Anyone know where this option is in Instruments 15?
Edit: Nevermind, it's there, but is disabled when you are actively paused or recording.
I ran into the same problem with images, so I used a 512x512 SVG and it works fine. It may not be suitable for your images, but it is easier than making separate sized PNGs.
Also worth noting that Apple does do two to three column transitions in the Music app on iPad. If you open Music in Landscape mode you see two columns. But if you tap Artists in the sidebar you see three columns. So I suggest filing Feedback asking for official support of this behaviour.
I work on a predominantly SwiftUI app, but I managed to achieve this using two UISplitViewControllers and contain my SwiftUI views inside that.
I basiccally made an outer two column UISplitViewController. The detail view there is a SwiftUI view that either shows one big view or a UIVIewRepresentable that houses another UISplitViewController, depending on sidebar selection. When that inner splitview is shown, I set the outer nav bar to hidden so just the inner splitview's navbar shows.
It took a lot of fiddling with the column behaviours to get it to work just right, but it does work. Although once in a while I see crashes when rotating the iPad which may be attributed to SwiftUI trying to deal with two navigation controllers in the two different splitviews.
I've also raised FB12586131 to ask that UISplitViewController and NavigationSplitView support proper switching between two and three column modes. All we really need is a way to hide the middle column only.
Coming later this year: https://twitter.com/settern/status/1567617031427735552
I'm still seeing this with Xcode 14beta6 simulator with watchOS9.0.
FIled feedback: FB11429538
I have a Plugable brand Thunderbolt 3 dock that was working until installing 11.2 beta 2. Now it can't get a DHCP lease and self-assigns an IP address with no connectivity.
@meaton Feedback filed with sysdiagnose: FB8868889
I'm seeing the same thing in a very simple test app. A NavigationLink with a bound selection inside a List will set the selection binding to nil immediately after setting it correctly.
FB7868682 filed.