




Reply to iOS simulator scrolling on Apple Silicon
Does anyone have any follow up regarding this issue? We should be able to force M1 processor to run application in x86_64 architecture, still until our projects fully support new M1 processors and arm64 architecture. I still experience same bug with iOS simulator scroll while forcing Excluded Architectures / Any iOS Simulator SDK : arm64.
Feb ’22
Reply to Error Analyzing App Version
I experience same issues, looks like it has something to do with multiple accounts connected with xCode, and build processing prior to export. I also have similar issues with xcode build automation this morning, when trying to export Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-19211 "The request rate limit has been reached.: We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again." UserInfo={status=429, code=RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, title=The request rate limit has been reached., detail=We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again., NSLocalizedDescription=The request rate limit has been reached.: We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to perform upload.}
May ’22
Reply to Error Analyzing App Version
Well done @Apple you have fixed the issue :) However things are working a little bit slower now then before, maybe they still have some performance issues 2022-05-11 09:40:22.030 Sending analysis to the App Store… 2022-05-11 09:40:25.894 Waiting for response… 2022-05-11 09:41:11.156 Performing SPI check… 2022-05-11 09:42:04.243 Waiting for response… 2022-05-11 09:44:54.122 Requesting upload instructions from the App Store… People, don't be angry at Apple, surely you had some downtime in your companies before :) Things like this happed when you work on new things.
May ’22