




How do I change the foreground color of a SwiftUI Tab
How do I change the foreground color of a SwiftUI Tab? I have my code as follows: /// Inside TabView // Home Tab Tab("", systemImage: "house.fill", value: .home) { HomeScreen() }.foregroundStyle(.red) I get errors when I tried to add the foregroundStyle(.red). I also tried using the label parameter and creating a label with the foregroundStyle(.red) modifier. Compiles but still no color changes.
Oct ’24
There seems to be a bug with digitalCrownAccessory
After reading the documentation on .digitalCrownAccessory, I am under the impression that the system should know to show your accessory and hide your accessory according to whether the crown is being rotated. I have noticed this is not the case. I have also tried a few work arounds with no luck. Here is a simplified version of my code. I have recorded a video of the issue I am seeing, but I can't upload it, so I have attached some screenshots instead. Expected result: After rotating the crown, the accessory image should disappear along with the vertical system scroll bar. Actual result: After rotating the crown, the vertical system scroll bar disappears but the accessory image stays behind. Versions: Sonoma 14.6.1 Xcode 16 Beta 5 (and Xcode 15.4) Apple Watch Ultra 2 watchOS 11 (device and simulator) Starting file (main): import SwiftUI @main struct DummyWatch_Watch_AppApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } ContentView.swift: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var crownValue: CGFloat = 0 var body: some View { VStack { Text("Hello, world!") } .focusable() .digitalCrownRotation($crownValue, from: 0, through: 10, by: 0.1, sensitivity: .low, isContinuous: false) .digitalCrownAccessory { Image(systemName: "speaker.fill") } .padding() } } Images: Scrolling: Speaker wont go away:
Aug ’24