Dear fellow iOS developers,
I am interested in UWB technology and I am trying to build a dummy Indoor Navigation project.
I will be placing 3 third party UWB devices (hardware or chips) at some distance apart from each other.
I have 5 iPhones and I want to be able to connect all the 5 iPhones to the 3 UWB devices simultaneously and perform trilateration to get the iPhones x and y coordinates using the "distance" values obtained from the UWB devices (hardware or chips).
I have tried this approach using Qorvo DWM3000 chips but problem is that after the first iPhone connection, the chip stops advertising itself.
Is this approach possible?
Also, it is compulsory to establish NISessions? Can't I skip creating NISessions?
Thanks in advance. Forgive my english.
How to create and handle multiple sessions using Nearby Interaction? It was briefly mentioned in the WWDC20 video titled "Meet Nearby Interaction" but I cannot find the implementation anywhere online.
Can someone share sample code or point me towards the location where I can find the solution to this problem?