




StoreKit 2 and its receipt verification
Hey folks! One of my customers has problem when purchasing the in-app subscription: The operation couldn't be completed (StoreKit.VerificationResult<StoreKit.Transaction>.VerificationError error 2.) Any idea why this happens? I'm using the standard purchase verification private func checkVerified<T>(_ result: VerificationResult<T>) throws -> T {     //Check if the transaction passes StoreKit verification.     switch result {     case let .unverified(_, error):         //StoreKit has parsed the JWS but failed verification. Don't deliver content to the user.         throw error     case .verified(let safe):         //If the transaction is verified, unwrap and return it.         return safe     } }
Dec ’21
SwiftUI, menu on macOS and the customization of the Label
Hey! It seems that Label used in the menu construction is wrapped in a system button and there is no way to change it– for example I’d like to display only the image and the image only (SFSymbol to be exact). With macOS 12 I can turn off the menu indicator or set the menuStyle (or even use custom style but the API is extremely limited; for example the Configuration doesn’t expose the label or body instances) but I can’t change the font size (of the button, not of the menu ofc) of the symbol… Does anyone figured it out?
Aug ’21
How to archive the loadable bundle for macOS
Hey! I started working on the app that can be extended by custom plug-ins (loadable bundles). And I'm able to load a plug-in in the app (bundle created in my app project) – cool. Now I started testing what's the experience, to build the plug-in knowing only app's interface. I created new Xcode project, added shared framework that exposes the app's API. And I can build it. But when I'm trying to archive it, the archive is empty (there are dsyms only) and there is no "product". I'd expect to see my custom bundle with the binary, "Resources" folder etc. so I can share or upload it for the notarizing service… What am I doing wrong?
May ’21