Thanks! Yea, I think you're right sarkonovich, that makes sense.
Hmmm, now I'm even more confused. We almost never get East winds at the point I'm looking at. We get west winds quite a bit and WeatherKit is forecasting them as East winds.
Either WeatherKit is returning the reciprocal bearing or their forecasts are wrong.
Hmmm, thanks for the report. What area are you looking at data for? So far I've only been looking at British Columbia.
I just checked right now and at the location I monitor the most, the iOS 16 weather app is reporting a temp of 22 degrees C, with wind at 8km/h from the North. WeatherKit is reporting 18 degrees C, with 8km/h wind with an East direction.
So, the wind direction is off by 90 degrees and the temp is off by 4 degrees C.
Oh wow, I'm an *****! You're right Scott. I was just missing the negative sign on my longitude. I think this explains a lot of the other issues I was having.
Sorry to waste everyone's time and thanks for the replies :)
Follow up: I'm seeing the WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener error on any new device I run the app on. If I had run my app on a device with beta 2, it works, but on any new device that I didn't previously run the app on, it doesn't work.
It feels like it's only working with tokens generated with beta 2 right now?
Nope, it still doesn't work on any devices/simulators that I hadn't previously authenticated to weather kit with beta 2. Luckily, I have a couple simulators and a devices that work, so I haven't been blocked yet. I'm just expecting my token to expire any day now, haha.
As a workaround for swift live previews, I just saved the Weather object as json to load some sample data into the preview. Weather is Codable, so it's pretty straightforward.