Nope, it still doesn't work on any devices/simulators that I hadn't previously authenticated to weather kit with beta 2. Luckily, I have a couple simulators and a devices that work, so I haven't been blocked yet. I'm just expecting my token to expire any day now, haha.
As a workaround for swift live previews, I just saved the Weather object as json to load some sample data into the preview. Weather is Codable, so it's pretty straightforward.
Follow up: I'm seeing the WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener error on any new device I run the app on. If I had run my app on a device with beta 2, it works, but on any new device that I didn't previously run the app on, it doesn't work.
It feels like it's only working with tokens generated with beta 2 right now?
Oh wow, I'm an *****! You're right Scott. I was just missing the negative sign on my longitude. I think this explains a lot of the other issues I was having.
Sorry to waste everyone's time and thanks for the replies :)
Hmmm, thanks for the report. What area are you looking at data for? So far I've only been looking at British Columbia.
I just checked right now and at the location I monitor the most, the iOS 16 weather app is reporting a temp of 22 degrees C, with wind at 8km/h from the North. WeatherKit is reporting 18 degrees C, with 8km/h wind with an East direction.
So, the wind direction is off by 90 degrees and the temp is off by 4 degrees C.
Hmmm, now I'm even more confused. We almost never get East winds at the point I'm looking at. We get west winds quite a bit and WeatherKit is forecasting them as East winds.
Either WeatherKit is returning the reciprocal bearing or their forecasts are wrong.
Thanks! Yea, I think you're right sarkonovich, that makes sense.