




Reply to Providing IPv6 connectivity for your VPN, that is, passing IPv6 through the tunnel?
Matt, thanks a bunch for the response. These are the NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings I have on the iOS client side. Does this look right? let ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings.init(addresses: [<Server IPv6 address>], networkPrefixLengths: [64]) tunnelNetworkSettings.ipv6Settings = ipv6Settings tunnelNetworkSettings.ipv6Settings?.includedRoutes = [NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: "::", networkPrefixLength: 64)] let dns = ",,2001:4860:4860::8888" // first two are to support IPv4 and the last one is to support IPv6 let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: (dns as! String).components(separatedBy: ",")) // This overrides system DNS settings dnsSettings.matchDomains = [""] tunnelNetworkSettings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings p.s. I also would like to mention that my IPv4 settings work great! I am able to see all the IPv4 traffic go through the tunnel. However, Facetime traffic seems to bypass the tunnel which is what kept me wondering if my IPv6 settings are incorrect? thanks,
Jul ’20
Reply to ipv6 VPN
Eskimo, I am interested in the first part of this problem that you mentioned: Providing IPv6 connectivity for your VPN, that is, passing IPv6 through the tunnel? How would you support this? Can you please give us some insights? Thanks a bunch for reading! I really hope to hear back from you on this.
Jul ’20
Reply to Call a custom method in NetworkExtension framework from ViewController?
Thanks for a quick response.On a higher level, I am using PacketTunnelProvider and inside the extension, as part of writing the custom VPN protocol, I would like a method to be called as a response to the interaction from the user with the host app view controller. Is this possible? If so, is the delegate the way to go? I would appreciate an example for this. If not, I would then like to explore other options. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Mar ’20