I literally have the exact same issue! I'm trying to zoom in a drawing without making it pixelated, but so far I haven't come across any solutions :(
Same issue as well. I also just ignored the compiler errors. In order to compensate I put all my code into a playground book file since my application was for iPad anyway. Anyway, you should just ignore the errors, unless its something else
I actually had the same exact issue for my submission as well. What you need to do is set PlaygroundLoggingMode to Off.
go to your playground book, right click, and click "show package contents"
From there, navigate to this directory: Chapters -- "(Chapter name)".playgroundchapter -- Pages -- MyPlayground.playgroundpage
Double click / open the file with Xcode "manifest".plist.
If PlagroundLoggingMode under the key column is not present, then you need to add it.
Set the value of PlaygroundLoggingMode to "Off".
Let me know if this helps or not. I can try to help you out later as well.