A note regarding your answer to question 2: Is an Entity ignored by physics engine if attached via an Anchor?
I use the latest visionOS 2.1 beta and if I create an ordinary cube with the necessary physics components and then add it to the scene together with some floor and walls and also add spheres to hand anchors that have these physics components, then the finger spheres won't interact with the cube.
If I switch to setting the finger spheres position using a System then it works.
Alright, here is a full app that demonstrates the problem:
I am facing the same problem. My robot head is attached to an empty entity so it rotates around that. Here is my System's update(context) method:
joint.look(at: devicePos, from: headPos, upVector: [0, 1, 0], relativeTo: nil)
joint.setOrientation(.init(angle: Float(Angle(degrees: 90).radians), axis: [0, 1, 0]), relativeTo: headJoint)
joint.setOrientation(.init(angle: Float(Angle(degrees: -90).radians), axis: [1, 0, 0]), relativeTo: headJoint)
Is there a better way?
This is an old post but I just verified that it still works flawless on macOS Sonoma 14.4.1