




Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
I have been trying to renew my membership for a month. I tried all my credit cards from different banks. I can pay with these cards anywhere. I have followed the instructions: using the latest version of safari, clearing cache, cookies. I talked to all my banks, they don't have any declined transactions, no request is rejected. I had created the apple developer account using one of these credit cards All payment info is valid and correct. The Apple support is useless. They just blame the banks. I think the problem is in Apple Payment gateway. please fix it ASAP. The reason why is that the order is immediately cancelled by Apple system. You can check the status of your orders here. - When you submit new order, you can see that your order is "Enrollment Complete" but when you click it, it shows this message "Something went wrong. There was a problem with your request. Please try again."
Aug ’20