




Reply to Inline Comparison on Commit seems to be forced in XCode 15 Beta 3
This is a HORRIBLE change. I cannot stand in-line comparison. To top it off, the highlighting of the in-line comparison is also HORRENDOUS at best. Normally, you would see a red background on the removed line and green on the inserted. The line that should be red is faintly highlighted and simply looks like you have selected the line of code. The line that is normally green is simply the background color. The piss-poor formatting makes it super confusing to distinguish the changes. BRING BACK SIDE-BY-SIDE COMPARISON FOR COMMITS!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug ’23
Reply to Big Sur powerd process constant CPU 100%
I had the same issue on both my 2019 iMac 27" retina and my 2019 16" MBP. I spent several hours with apple support on the phone over 3 different days. I sent diagnostic reports and such. They didn't want to help as Big Sur was in beta still. They wanted me to downgrade before diagnosing. I told them I would wait until the release of Big Sur and see if it went away, which it did not. Then I said I would get back with them if there was still an issue as it should then be supported. There were still no fixes from Apple. The only fix I was able to find was to set a schedule in the power saving preferences. I set the schedule to wake everyday at 12:00am and sleep at 12:01am. This corrected the powerd issue immediately, although it created issues on my iMac which had 3 external displays connected to an external GPU. The moment the system would go to sleep for any reason, it would cause a kernel panic in the watchdog process. It was only related to sleep as if I set a screen saver, it did not cause a panic until the computer tried to sleep. I sent a crash report to apple every morning as my computer never gets shut off and it would crash and reboot sever times every night. I removed every external device, reset the memory controller and every type of reset apple could think of. Nothing fixed the issue. I finally wiped my entire system by deleting the entire contents of the SSD using the disk manager in the recovery console and then doing a clean install of Big Sur from there after. After the fresh install, all seems to be normal. I have reinstalled every application and reconnected every device to both my MBP and iMac. Powerd is no longer an issue!!!! I suspect something in the beta installer process on one of the versions corrupted something in the power management. On my MBP, when I search for powerd, the process does not even exist. I cannot remember if it exists on my iMac and I don't have access to it at the time I am writing this. I believe at one point I searched it and found it. At another point I think it was not found. Possibly, is it a process that was created in a previous version of MacOS and Big Sur doesn't know what to do with it? I doubt that but just throwing it out there. All has been well on my iMac for two weeks now and my MBP for 2 days now....
Nov ’20
Reply to Xcode 11 beta 7 map view polyline invalid library
My application loads and runs fine except for the constant output in the debug window.2019-09-25 21:10:20.969796-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.969917-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.979918-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.980031-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.980109-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.980179-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.980277-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.995858-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.996226-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.996380-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.996559-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:20.996678-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:21.015274-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:21.015609-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file2019-09-25 21:10:21.015812-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library fileAny input on this matter would be most appreciated. I cannot find anything relatable when I search. I am assuming this is an Xcode 11 compatability issue. Some of our devs get the output and some dont for the same app.Catalina beta 9 & Xcode 11.1 GM seedDoes the same thing on beta 8 & Xcode 11.0 release
Sep ’19