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I have a question regarding the size of App Clips. On the documentation is the following about the size: Keep Your App Clip Small in Size App Clips must be small — no more than 10 MB for the uncompressed App Clip — to launch instantly. If possible, keep your App Clip well below this limit. To measure your App Clip’s size, create an app-size report for your App Clip: In Xcode, archive the App Clip’s corresponding app, open the Organizer window, select the archive, and click Distribute App. Export the App Clip as an Ad Hoc or Development build with App Thinning and Rebuild from Bitcode enabled. The output folder for your exported App Clip contains its size report: a file named App Thinning Size Report.txt. Open the text file, note your App Clip’s uncompressed size for each variant, and then make adjustments to your project to keep the uncompressed size for each variant below 10 MB. Is it allowed to lazy load image via the network to reduce the size of assets, because in my current app clip they take pretty much half of the size. So to say, has anyone tried to upload an app clip which is doing that, without getting rejected? Thanks in advance
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