




Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Guys, my issue fixed after 7 weeks! How? Consistency is the key! After a long time struggle with this issue I opened a new ticket to developer support and voluntarily provided the history of my purchase and the order ID with the same payment method and also a bank statement that shows the address is correct. As soon as I got the issue number, kept following it up with different channels. Every working day I emailed developer support to see if there is any new update, contacted apple support in twitter, called their support daily and tell them my issue number to follow up the issue, and OoooH, lastly I stated to forward the vast list of my emails to everyone that I found in Apple, in different departments. Finally, one night I got the message that my card has been charged and my account has been activated. So, make sure that the problem is not on your side. Double check with your bank that if they don't temporarily blocked Apple and let them know you wanna purchase the developer program from Also make sure to review your account on iTtunes and add your payment method there, try to buy an app or cheap music and get. When you want to pay for enrollment fee use iPhone / Mac / Safari to do the purchase. if the problem still exits, Keeeeeep following up with developer support.
Jul ’20
Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Even this doesn't help. I'm wondering how is it possible that I could use my credit and debit cards on itunes and AppStore to buy apps and songs, but not on developer enrollment fee payment! I have opened different ticket on developer support. When I send them the screenshot of my previous orders on Appstore and Itunes with the same payment method and the proof of billing address, they stop answering to my emails anymore! Fortunately, I have found a solution to the problem, where a client of mine obtained her license in 24 hours by following these steps: On your iPhone or any apple device you must download the apple developer app. Link is in the description. Make sure the card you are going to buy the apple license with is the same card currently linked to your apple id. The card may not be linked to any other apple id. One apple id = one card. Login to the apple developer app with your apple id and enrol in the apple developer program via the app. If you encounter a delay of 24 hours, then email apple developer support and tell them your card can buy songs and apps so there is no reason it cannot buy an apple developer license. If still not approved, follow up by buying a song or an app, and send apple support that snippet of your bank statement proving that your card does in fact work to purchase from Apple.
Jul ’20
Reply to Account Status still Pending
I have the same problem, And it's ridiculous that they even don't follow up the issue, I have deadline to tranfer an app to my new apple ID and stuck in this state for more than 2 month. Tried with multiple payment method from different banks and all of them failed while I can use the same payment method for buying apps, songs and books from Apple! Isn't it funny?
Jul ’20
Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Same issue for me here too, I have tried with 3 different cards from 3 banks, but all of them has been canceled instantly. I called Apple support 5 times and talked with 5 different people but none of them couldn't help me, also sending email results to nothing because apple developer support in Asia doesn't answer to the emails. I stuck in this state for more than 1 month so far!
Jul ’20