Can you give any information on the wait list I have been signed in from the time it was released and still setting on the waiting to be approved
So there is likely to be no more roll outs today October 29th?
Can you please give an update on the wait list is there any progress made today. under first come first serve order but can you explain why the roll out on this one is taking as long as it has?
If this first come first serve was true why are we seeing people that signed up and downloaded ios18.2 2 days after the release. And then there is me I signed up within the first 45 min of it being release. This is not a very accurate statement. Around 530 east cost time there was a small wave that was let in everyone across the entire glib has there iPhone set to manual untied states have seen people from across the glad get access then there is me still wait. Not Apple Like. JOBs never woulda