




Share / Action Extension Not Shown and corrupts Share dialog for all system
1 I have just added a share extension with an audio predicate, but in the "Files" app, my app doesn’t appear in the "Share" menu for audio files. The Share Activity View Controller does not show my app. There seems to be no way to make it work. I have already spent 2 days googling this and searching forums. Some users say this is an iOS bug, while others suggest restarting the device. Nothing helps. Just build and run the ShareExtension using the Files app. Try sharing any file and note that my app does not appear in the share list options. I am using the latest iOS 17.5 release version. 2 After starting to implement the sharing feature in my app Anywhere Offline Music Player, I noticed that my phone/iPad freezes when any share dialog from any place in the system is being shown. Additionally, all other apps are missing from the share list. When I try to share a file from any app, the share dialog first appears as a shadow, then glitches, and finally shows up, but the Files app option is missing, so I can't save the shared file. This issue persists even after removing my app, and only a reboot helps. Other users report this happening regardless of whether my app is installed or not. Sometimes it works without any lags, but mostly it does not. I have no idea what this depends on. The same issue occurs on iPads using the latest beta versions. Removing my app and rebooting the device temporarily "fixes" this.
Jul ’24