




NE SystemExtension connects to the VPN server, but traffic is blocked
I am working on OpenVPN application for Mac OS. I use openVPNAdapter to do this. Version for Mac OS store with apex works well. But we need a Developer ID signing version. To do this I created NE system extension (appex was removed from the project), changed packet-tunnel-provider with packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension, reuse the same PacketTunnelProvider code and the same openVPNAdapter (framework was embedded into the extension). Run system extension via OSSystemExtensionRequest (copied logic from SempleFirewall apple example), makes a build, and notarized it. When I run the app, I see that SeystemExtension is running (activity monitor), PacketTunnelProvider successfully connects to the VPN server (logs and “connected” status in the macOS SystemPreferences), but traffic is locked. I can’t open any websites. First I thought that the problem with DNS, but I can't open any sites via IP too. So I think Mac OS locks socket traffic. Maybe somebody has such an issue and knows how to resolve it. MacOS: 11.4
Jun ’21