




Hello!!,I'm about to publish the App Bicycle, and I have everything ready and binary uploaded to iTunes Connect, but what was my surprise when trying to send it for review Apple jumps me the following error:"To configure this app as an iOS app routing, load a file of coverage app routing on page My apps version of iTunes Connect."Have an idea of what may be happening ?, because not let me send the App for review Apple ??.In my Xcode project I have enabled the Maps and checked the box for bikes.So do not understand that it may be happening ... I have seen that it is possible for a file GeoJSON necessary.My App is global, because it has 25 countries and 262 cities worldwide.I reading the guides and error, I created the file requested GeoJSON and I've tried to add to iTunes Connect, but I skip the following error:"The file of your app coverage routing is invalid."But I have all the steps followed by the use explaining Apple Guides.I explain step by step:1. In my project and have enabled the Maps and selected the option to bikes. Link screenshot: I have also verified the Info.plist file to see if the data put into the guides on MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes are and I think that if, as in:Maps routing modes supported app'm wearing BikesAnd the line also appears MKDirectionsRequest Link screenshot: I have also checked the file and formatted GeoJSON .geojson.In addition also it has a MultiPolygon element and less than 20 nested polygons, as specified in the guidelines, this would be what comes into my file GeoJSON:{"Type": "MultiPolygon" "Coordinates": [ [[[111.5, -44.0], [111.5, -10.6], [154.1, -10.6], [154.1, -44.0], [111.5, -44.0]]], [[[-73.8, -27.4], [- 73.8,5.0], [- 33.9,5.0], [- 33.9, -27.4], [- 73.8, -27.4]]], [[[-141.1,43.7], [- 141.1,69.7], [- 52.3,69.7], [- 52.3,43.7], [- 141.1,43.7]]], [[[-79.1, -3.2], [- 79.1,10.0], [- 67.1,10.0], [- 67.1, -3.2], [- 79.1, -3.2]]], [[[5.9,47.3] [5.9,54.0] [14.7,54.0] [14.75,47.3] [5.9,47.3]]], [[[-9.5,35.3], [- 9.5,43.8] [4.4,43.8] [4.4,35.3] [- 9.5,35.3]]], [[[-19.2,26.6], [- 19.2,30.3], [- 12.8,30.3], [- 12.8,26.6], [- 19.2,26.6]]], [[[-6.4,42.5], [- 6.4,50.9] [8.9,50.9] [8.95,42.5], [- 6.4,42.5]]], [[[-11.6,49.8], [- 11.6,59.3] [2.0,59.3] [2.0,49.8] [- 11.6,49.8]]], [[[7.1,35.6] [7.1,47.0] [18.6,47.0] [18.6,35.6] [7.1,35.6]]], [[[3.2,31.0] [3.2,60.3] [38.4,60.3] [38.4,31.0] [3.2,31.0]]], [[[3.6,56.1] [3.6,71.1] [41.6,71.1] [41.6,56.1] [3.6,56.1]]], [[[-127.2,22.9], [- 127.2,49.4], [- 58.5,49.4], [- 58.5,22.9], [- 127.2,22.9]]], [[[-120.5,3.8], [- 120.5,34.7], [- 79.6,34.7], [- 79.6,3.8], [- 120.5,3.8]]], [[[30.5,39.6] [30.5,72.2] [190.8,72.2], [190.8,39.6] [30.5,39.6]]], [[[119.1,20.9], [119.1,59.1], [165.4,59.1], [165.4,20.9], [119.1,20.9]]], [[[2.2,49.3] [2.2,51.3] [6.5,51.3] [6.5,49.3] [2.2,49.3]]] ]}The file meets think what it says on the guides .. but certainly something must be wrong because as he explained, the problem is that it lets you add this file in iTunes Connect gives me the following problem:"The file of your app coverage routing is invalid."I do not understand because it is not valid ... because I have followed all the steps and is formatted .geojson4. I have also added to Xcode .geojson such as file and specified in the guidelines on the part of product-> Scheme -> Edit Scheme:After all it's nose to look or see .... because most still gives me the same problem ... It is clear that something in the process or file .geojson I send attached must be wrong ... but I do not know what it is. Link screenshot: What else can I do ?, I need something else I have to do ??. Can I get help to solve my problem ?, I'm desperate because they can not be happening...Thank you very much.
Jul ’15