




Reply to Can I tell when my iOS Widget is running on MacOS (when Use IPhone Widgets is on)
Sure good question. We have a custom url schme that our app can handle on iOS natively in app. On the mac I would just like to send it to our website which can also handle it here is the code I am trying to get to work let baseURL = ProcessInfo.processInfo.isiOSAppOnMac ? "" : "https://mycustomapphandler" let urlString = "\(baseURL)/web/deep-redirect/VideoViewClips/\(savedClip.customerToken)?event_id=\(savedClip.eventId)&widget_id=\(WidgetTypeEnum.SavedClipThumbnailWidget.rawValue)" Hopefully that makes sense. we have a customer url handler in the app for the widget but obviously not on the mac as we have no app but we can use the browser and our website.
Dec ’24
Reply to Can I tell when my iOS Widget is running on MacOS (when Use IPhone Widgets is on)
Maybe I can clarify a bit more. This is a widget from the iPhone that can de displayed as a widget on the mac it is not a separate app etc. There is an option on MacOS to allow iOS widgets on your dashboard and desktop and it gets them from your phone on the same appleid. It is not a designed for iPad or catalyst separate app. For all intents it looks like it thinks it is running on the iPhone (maybe it is not sure if your phone has to be around to get updates). So unfortunately neither isiOSAppOnMac or isMacCataylstApp work as it isn't either of those. Nor does looking for the doc directory as it thinks it is iOS as well.
Dec ’24