




Improving Apple's Support for Stolen Devices and Identity Theft
Affected platform and Apple Services Affected area Authentication Bypass What is required to reproduce the issue? A thief steals your cell phone and also obtains your pin against your will. Requirements: Enhanced Customer Support Protocols: Establish a dedicated support channel for victims of theft and identity-related incidents, ensuring expedited and specialized assistance. Implement stringent identity verification measures to safeguard user accounts during recovery processes. Geolocation Data Preservation: Modify policies to retain geolocation data even if "Find My iPhone" is disabled at the time of the incident, recognizing that initial settings may differ from the situation at the time of theft. Wait 24 or 48 Hours, or even a week, after a request to turn off "Find My iPhone" to really turn it off. Giving time to the victim to act in consequence. Strengthening 2FA Security: Introduce additional layers of authentication for sensitive actions like changing passwords, disabling "Find My iPhone," or making significant account alterations. Improved Reporting and Tracking: Enhance reporting mechanisms for stolen devices, ensuring that user information is promptly relayed to relevant authorities. Use alternative ways to locate the phone if the theft is recognized by the authorities. Enable a comprehensive tracking system for devices, allowing for efficient cooperation with law enforcement agencies. Summary: This feedback report addresses the critical need for Apple to enhance its support mechanisms for victims of stolen devices and identity theft. The proposed changes aim to provide users with swift and effective assistance during distressing situations while reinforcing the security of Apple accounts. Steps to Reproduce: User reports a stolen device, including relevant details such as the incident's time, location, and any available information about the perpetrator. Apple's dedicated support channel verifies the user's identity through robust authentication procedures. Apple collaborates with law enforcement, utilizing geolocation data and other available information to aid in the recovery of the stolen device and prevent unauthorized access to the user's accounts. Additional authentication steps are implemented to thwart unauthorized changes to the account, especially in cases involving potential identity theft. Expected Results: Users in distress due to stolen devices or identity-related incidents receive prompt, empathetic, and specialized assistance from Apple's support team. Improved security measures deter unauthorized access and changes to user accounts. Actual Results: Current support mechanisms fall short in adequately addressing the needs of users facing theft and identity-related issues. Instances such as disabling "Find My iPhone" should not undermine Apple's commitment to user security. This feedback report aims to underscore the urgency of implementing reforms that align with Apple's commitment to user security, empathy, and customer satisfaction. We trust that these proposed changes will contribute to a more secure and supportive environment for Apple users facing distressing situations. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Antonio, IT Engineer.
Dec ’23