




Reply to Help with a script to automate data entry
Someone on another forum tried to help by writing a macro for Excel but I failed to tell him I was using Numbers so, of course, it doesn't work but they did give me a clue in their attempt. I need to write a script that: (I can change the names later) -calls up the document *** -calls up Sheet1 -copies the value of Sheet1, cell B67 -calls up sheet Sheet2 -pastes the result in cell A3 of Sheet2 -inserts a new column (or row) A on Sheet2 (preserving previous result) -recalculates Sheet1 -copies the result from Sheet1, cell B67 to column A of Sheet2 in cell A3 and do that 2000 times Can any good apple script writers out there help me achieve this? Thanks in advance
Mar ’24